Configuration for audio reverb. You can find a list of reverb settings below. In-game you can also find a list of reverb settings, but you can test a select few sounds with a given reverb setting in the Reverb tab of the Singleplayer menu.
// MaxRoomSize: Useful for limiting reverb on maps like Laser Tag.
// MinIndoor: Minimum reverb setting for "indoor" areas
// MinIndoor: Maximum reverb setting for "indoor" areas
// Outdoor: Reverb setting for "outdoor" areas
"Reverb": {
"MaxRoomSize": 15000,
"MinIndoor": "paddedcell",
"MaxIndoor": "wooden_hall",
"Outdoor": "forest",
// From the old mapmaking Discord server - this may not work because Room size in-game always displays 0.
// For clarification, reverb is strongest when in a room with volume <= MinRoomVolume, and reverb is weakest when in a room with volume >= MaxRoomVolume, e.g. in Laser Tag I've reduced MaxRoomVolume to 2000000 to reduce reverb
// Default values are:
"MinRoomVolume": 200000,
"MaxRoomVolume": 6000000
List of reverb settings
These are used for MinIndoor
and MaxIndoor
General | Outdoor | Castle | Factory | Wood | Sport | Prefab | Space Station | City | Driving | Ice Palace | Dome | Mood |
generic | backyard | castle_smallroom | factory_smallroom | wooden_smallroom | sport_emptystadium | prefab_workshop | spacestation_smallroom | city_streets | driving_commentator | icepalace_smallroom | dome_tomb | mood_heaven |
paddedcell | rollingplains | castle_shortpassage | factory_shortpassage | wooden_shortpassage | sport_squashcourt | prefab_practiseroom | spacestation_shortpassage | city_subway | driving_pitgarage | icepalace_shortpassage | pipe_small | mood_hell |
room | deepcanyon | castle_mediumroom | factory_mediumroom | wooden_mediumroom | sport_smallswimmingpool | prefab_outhouse | spacestation_mediumroom | city_museum | driving_incar_racer | icepalace_mediumroom | dome_saintpauls | mood_memory |
bathroom | creek | castle_largeroom | factory_largeroom | wooden_largeroom | sport_largeswimmingpool | prefab_caravan | spacestation_largeroom | city_library | driving_incar_sports | icepalace_largeroom | pipe_longthin | |
livingroom | valley | castle_longpassage | factory_longpassage | wooden_longpassage | sport_gymnasium | spacestation_longpassage | city_underpass | driving_incar_luxury | icepalace_longpassage | pipe_large | ||
stoneroom | forest | castle_hall | factory_hall | wooden_hall | sport_fullstadium | spacestation_hall | city_abandoned | driving_fullgrandstand | icepalace_hall | pipe_resonant | ||
auditorium | city | castle_cupboard | factory_cupboard | wooden_cupboard | sport_stadiumtannoy | spacestation_cupboard | driving_emptygrandstand | icepalace_cupboard | ||||
concerthall | mountains | castle_courtyard | factory_courtyard | wooden_courtyard | spacestation_courtyard | driving_tunnel | icepalace_courtyard | |||||
cave | quarry | castle_alcove | factory_alcove | wooden_alcove | spacestation_alcove | icepalace_alcove | ||||||
arena | plain | |||||||||||
hangar | parkinglot | |||||||||||
carpetedhallway | ||||||||||||
hallway | ||||||||||||
stonecorridor | ||||||||||||
alley | ||||||||||||
sewerpipe | ||||||||||||
underwater | ||||||||||||
dustyroom | ||||||||||||
chapel | ||||||||||||
smallwaterroom | ||||||||||||
drugged | ||||||||||||
dizzy | ||||||||||||
psychotic |