Salvage fields
Salvage game mode still has fields in the json
file but isn't playable in-game. This is because meteors do not spawn even if these fields are correctly set.
// MeteorBottom: Lowest Y level a meteor can land on
// MeteorTop: Highest Y level a meteor can land on
// MeteorBreachChance: 0.0-1.0 chance that a meteor can fall into and destroy ground. Never goes below MeteorBottom
// MeteorSpawnSpread: Likely spread from MeteorLineStart & MeteorLineEnd
// MeteorLineStart & MeteorLineEnd: A line where meteors can fall on
"MeteorBottom": 30,
"MeteorTop": 40,
"MeteorBreachChance": 0.35,
"MeteorSpawnSpread": 10,
"MeteorLineStart": [0, 124],
"MeteorLineEnd": [128, 124],
block attribute
The meteor
block attribute marks the index as the block the meteor is made out of. There can only be one meteor index. In the past there was the meteordepleted
block attribute for meteors that were depleted. (confirm this)