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This page contains all fields related to a map's environment, such as skybox, ambience, sun, and more.

Skybox fields

// SkyboxType: valid options: ad, cf, rw, is, lb, mc, st. See table below for details.
// SkyboxRotation: Pitch/yaw of skybox. 6.283 (2π) is approximately 360 degrees.
// SkyboxVerticalOffset: Vertical offset of the literal sky box. ±0.93 maximum before the void is exposed.
"SkyboxType": "rw",
"SkyboxRotation": [ 0, 0.7 ],
"SkyboxVerticalOffset": 0.0,
// Enclosed: If true, disables shadows, skybox, and crepuscular rays. This also makes the top of the map invisible, which lets you see into the map from the spawn screen.
"Enclosed": false,
// CustomSkyboxColour: Determines if the skybox is a flat 2-color sky. True/false. Useful for overcast or nighttime maps.
    // HorizonColour: RGB Color of horizon.
    // TopColour: RGB Color of top half of sky.
"CustomSkyboxColour": false,
    "HorizonColour": [
    "TopColour": [

SkyboxType skybox codes

Skybox codeOfficial usageDescription
ADAegis Desert, Devoid Wasteland.Open desert with a clear sky, mountains. A pink planet (moon?) and blue planet with rings.
CFCrashed Freighter, Soltec Plaza.Red mountains at sunset in the open waters with plenty of stars. No planets visible.
RWRailway, Reactor.Dark beige foggy city with partial clouds, and futuristic skyscrapers. No planets visible.
ISIce Station, Corahk Canyon, Cold Harbour.Coastline with extreme snow mountains nearby, and partial clouds. No planets visible.
LBLaboratory.Cloud planet with futuristic skyscrapers at sunset. A blue gas planet is visible.
MCMagma Chamber, Base Omicron.Blue-gray harsh mountains and some "pwetty stars". Unlit-side of a planet is visible.
STSoltrium Temple, Shrine, Aegis Oasis, Devoid Cathedral.Pleasant blue-gray mountains with medium clouds. Red planet and a gray moon(?) visible.

Render Distance

// RenderDistance: Render distance in chunks(?) If end of render distance is visible, it will always be a fade to skybox. This is overruled by the render distance game setting if the game setting is lower.
// RenderDistanceSpawn: Render distance for the spawn screen. Only takes effect if RenderDistance is below ~1024.
"RenderDistance": 2048,
"RenderDistanceSpawn": 2048,


// Brightness: Multiplier for overall brightness. Defaults to 1.
// BlockBrightness: Multiplier for the brightness of blocks. Defaults to 1.3.
// RainBrightness: Value that Brightness is set to when raining. Defaults to 1.
"Brightness": 1,
"BlockBrightness": 1.3,
"RainBrightness": 1,



Setting SunRotation values within 0.25 of a cardinal direction causes flickering or inaccurate shading on block faces. If the other rotation value is safe, it is possible to set a rotation value to within 0.1 of a cardinal direction.

// SunColour: Regular color of the sun, in RGB.
// SunRotation: Rotation of the sun. 6.283 (2π) is approximately 360 degrees.
// SunDiffuseStrength: The strength of the sunlight. >0.0. Defaults to 0.001.
// SunDistance: No clue what this does.
// CrepuscularThresholdOverride: Probably threshold to render crepuscular rays. 0.0 to ≈2.0.
// CrepuscularStartHeight: Lowering this value causes more rays to shine through. 0.0-1.0.
"SunColour": [ 255, 255, 255 ],
"SunRotation": [ 0.75, 0.25 ],
"SunDiffuseStrength": 0.001,
"SunDistance": 0.0,

Crepuscular rays


Some rays may flicker when CrepuscularThresholdOverride is set between 1.5 and 2.0.

"CrepuscularThresholdOverride": 1,
"CrepuscularStartHeight": 0.5,
"CrepuscularPitch": 0,
"CrepuscularYaw": 0,


// FogColour: RGB color value for fog when render distance game setting is <12
"FogColour": [ 212, 166, 123 ],



Do not set WaterStartX or WaterStartZ to a negative number. This will hang rendering if the -x or -z side of the map is in view and can crash clients.

// WaterLevel: In-game Y-coordinate for sea level. Random displacement can reach up to about 0.2 above the specified coordinate. Defaults to 0.
// WaterColour: Color of water in RGB. Defaults to [0, 0, 0].
// EnclosedWater: Whether water is bound to the map borders. Requires map size to be a multiple of 64. Defaults to false.
"WaterLevel": 7.3,
"WaterColour": [ 124, 53, 47 ],
"EnclosedWater": false,

// MinWaterLevel seemingly does nothing.
// MaxWaterLevel is the maximum value for WaterLevel.
// Example values are the defaults in received .json files.
"MinWaterLevel": -1000,
"MaxWaterLevel": 1024,

// Controls water bounds and where water player movement ends in chunks (32x32). Caustics are always visible though. A start position of 0 is 64 blocks (2 chunks) BEFORE 0 on that axis.
"WaterStartX": 0,
"WaterEndX": 100,
"WaterStartZ": 0,
"WaterEndZ": 100,


// WindSpeed: Wind speed, in blocks per second? From limited testing appears to do nothing to weather particles.
// WindDirection: Yaw direction of wind. Pushes rain and leaf particles horizontally. Also does nothing to weather particles.
"WindSpeed": 0.015,
"WindDirection": 0.785375,


// RainColour: RGBA color of rain. A controls bloom.
// SunColourRaining: Color of sun when raining, in RGB.
// Server randomly picks a number between these 2 numbers for when to start raining.
    // RainStartMin: Minimum time in seconds into a match when rain will begin falling.
    // RainStartMax: Maximum time in seconds into a match when rain will begin falling.
// RainDensity: Amount of rain particles spawned. Percentage 0.0-1.0. 0.75 for 25% less rain particles.
// RainRenderDistance: Controls render distance when raining. Percentage 0.0-1.0. 0.5 for 50% lower render distance.
// WaterRiseSpeed: # of blocks/ms. use 0.001 for 1 block per second. Defaults to 0.
"RainColour": [ 20, 40, 40, 0],
"SunColourRaining": [ 36, 42, 61 ],
"RainStartMin": 900,
"RainStartMax": 1200,
"RainDensity": 1.0
"RainRenderDistance": 1.0,
"WaterRiseSpeed": 0,



SnowIndex most likely has been removed.

// Snow immediately begins falling from match start. Snow is seperate from Rain.
// HasFallingSnow: Boolean, Controls whether the map has falling snow.
// HasBlizzardSnow: Boolean, Blizzard snow has more intense, non-customizable wind applied. Overrides HasFallingSnow.
// FallingSnowColour: RGBA color of snowflakes. A controls bloom. Default value is [255, 255, 255, 255]
// SnowIndex: Index used for voxels placed by snowfall.
"HasFallingSnow": true,
"HasBlizzardSnow": false,
"FallingSnowColour": [ 255, 255, 255, 255 ],
"SnowIndex": 19, // BROKEN


// Type: Values: wind, rumble, jungle, ice. Vercidium stated `rain` and `ship` exists but it appears that they don't.
// Altitude: Y coordinate where the sound plays?
// Volume: Seems to be 0.0-1.0.
"AmbienceSound": [
        "Type": "wind",
        "Steps": [
                "Altitude": 0,
                "Volume": 0.3
// All possible values for this are unknown. Defaults to "underwater"
"UnderwaterSound": "underwatercold", // Some snowy official maps use this.

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