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BlockTexturesV2 lists all block types, aka indexes, in the map and their configuration. Sector's Edge and MagicaVoxel can handle up to 255 indexes. There cannot be two or more indexes with duplicate configuration.


It is possible to have two or more indexes with the same look in-game. See the guide on how.


If a block light is given the Ion effect, it will no longer produce light.

"BlockTexturesV2": [
    { // An index
        // Note: Optional, used to describe an index
        // Name: Optional if HSL/HSLA/RGB/RGBA is set, name of texture; list of textures is below. Not setting a Name is fine
            // when a color field is set.
        // Index: Determines which index in MagicaVoxel corresponds to this texture.
        // Offset: Per-axis offset for the texture. Used to align things like crate textures and Railway train textures.

        // HSL/RGB/RGBA: Optional if Name is set, used to color a texture. Soltrium HSL: [ 0.5444, 1, 0.48 ]. Recommended to
            // use RGB for flat textures and RGBA for glass.

        // Attributes: explosive, light-fade-brightness, light-on-brightness, floating, invincible, transparent, ice
        // explosive: Block explodes if damaged; uses ExplosionRadius as the radius. Can be detonated by blocks with the conductor attribute.
        // light-fade: Fades the light instead of immediately removing light.
        // light-on-brightness: brightness is the brightness of the light. <1.0 is recommended.
        // floating: allows index and anything attached to float.
        // invincible: makes index impossible to break.
        // transparent: makes index transparent. use RGBA to control how translucent it is.
        // ice: adds a distortion effect when looking through index.
        // meteor: unused, was previously used in Salvage for the meteor.

        // ExplosionRadius: The radius of the explosion, in blocks. This is only used when the `explosive` attribute is set.
        // Bloom: 0.0-1.0.
        // Health: Block health; integer 0-255.
        // Armour: Probably damage*armour.
        // Damage: Amount of damage given to any player standing on the index. If set, 1 is always used in official maps.
            // Non-negative integer.
        // TopDirection: Rotation of the texture on the top/bottom faces of the index. Used for the Railway trains. Defaults to "up".
        // SideDirection: Same thing as TopDirection, but for the sides of the block. Defaults to "up".
        "Note": "Example texture",
        "Name": "concrete",
        "Offset": [ 0, 0, 0 ],
        "Index": 1,
        "HSL": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ],
        "Attributes": "",
        "ExplosionRadius": 0,
        "Bloom": 1.0,
        "Health": 8,
        "Armour": 0.3,
        "Damage": 1,
        "TopDirection": "up",
        "SideDirection": "up",
    // Add more indexes...

SideDirection sets the top of the texture to the given direction. This means the bottom of the texture is on the opposite side that you set.

up (default)

SideDirection set to right (pictured on right)
signirridyne texture with SideDirection set to "right" (on the right)


Copy this into the BlockTexturesV2 list.

White light

    "Note": "White light",
    "Index": 1,
    "Attributes": "light-on",
    "RGB": [255, 255, 255],
    "Bloom": 1


    "Note": "Explosive soltrium",
    "Index": 1,
    "Attributes": "explosive light-fade",
    "HSL": [ 0.5444, 1, 0.48 ],
    "Bloom": 1


    "Note": "Glass",
    "Index": 1,
    "Attributes": "transparent conductor",
    "RGB": [ 133, 184, 235 ]

Railway/Reactor lasers

	"Note": "Laser",
	"Index": 1,
	"HSL": [0.45, 0.4, 0.8],
	"Bloom": 1,
	"Damage": 1

Crude 17x4 "Soltricoz" sign

Uses the cratesoltec texture. You may need to adjust the Offset.

	"Note": "Soltricoz sign",
	"Index": 1,
	"Name": "cratesoltec",
	"Size": 47,
	"Offset": [ 23, 12, 0 ],
	"HSL": [ 0.45, 0.6, 0.4 ],
	"Health": 50,
	"Bloom": 0.2,
	"Attributes": "light-on-0.0001 conductor"

Multiplayer fields

The server sends multiple fields which were previously undocumented.

    // Default: No clue what this does. Might be if the index is in some form of master index pallete that Rocket uses?
    // ReceivedFromServer: Probably for loading maps if you have them saved to disk.
    // LayerID: No idea.
    // Custom: No clue what it does as well. Defaults to false.
    "Default": false,
    "ReceivedFromServer": true,
    "LayerID": 255,
	"Custom": false,

Textures list

Textures list

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