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Creating visually identical indexes


There is no actual use case for having identical indexes in a map.

It is possible to have two or more indexes with the same look in-game. To do this, use block attributes that can loop.

Offset method

Using Offset, increase the offset on an axis by a multiple of the index's Size value. This outputs a visually identical block with differing indexes.

HSL method

This method isn't actually identical, but it can be used for detailing. Using HSL, you can do slight variance in any of the three values. PadreToto recommends using small lightness variation for detailing in some cases.


Example of some visually identical indexes.

Gray crate

Normal crate

    "Note": "Gray offset crate",
    "Name": "crategrey",
	"Index": 1,
	"Size": 4

Identical crate

    "Note": "Gray offset crate",
    "Name": "crategrey",
	"Index": 2,
	"Size": 4,
	"Offset": [ 0, 4, 0 ]

Guide created by RainlessSky

Last updated:

Made with ❤ by the Sector's Edge community